12 August 2010

Anything better than an Albert Chloe bag and a skirt made out of white roses?

NOPE!!!! This was a cool shoot. We had a lot of ideas for this one but we ended up changing them half way through. Jaque Stone did all the makeup and it could not have gotten any better !!! Albert Chloe was a great help in letting us barrow a few of their hand painted python bags for the shoot. If you haven’t been in to Albert Chloe or seen their bags, definitely check them out!!!

Jaque Stone

Dani Braun

Olivia Akerley

Jamie Lynn

Brooke Mangum

Jamie Lynn

Brooke Mangum

Wardrobe: Keith Bryce
Photography: Keith Bryce

NEW YORK ......................

SOOOOOOOO I went to New York a couple a months ago for work and while I was there I met up with a girl that you might recognize. Lisa Jackson from Americas Next Top Model !!! :). We decided to do a quick shoot. Here’s just a few of them.

Lisa Jackson

Wardrobe: Keith Bryce
Photography: keith bryce

GINA !!!

A good friend of ours from Colorado came and wanted a few photos taken. She asked for a few different looks and after a little brain storming this is what we came up with. We had never done a B & W before so we thought that would be kind of cool!!!

Wardrobe: Keith Bryce
Photography: Keith Bryce

Black Light Series

We wanted to do something with light that wasn’t post processed. And we had this huge black light down in the basement that we had wanted to use for something. So we busted that thing out and gave it a try.

HAIR WAS AMAZING!!!! (Janae Mechling)  MAKE-UP WAS AMAZING (Jaque Stone)Thanks to the models for helping us out on this one.......... So these pics came out really cool. How you see them is how they looked when they were taken. PS loved the hair collar!!!!!

Lacy Timmerman

Tatyana Ayrapetova

Wardrobe: Keith Bryce
Photography: Keith Bryce

WEDDING !!!!!!

We just recently had a wedding the family and I was aked to make the wedding dress. Congrats Megyn!!! Xoxoxoxo

Just a quick catch up !!!!!!!!!

So just to catch up, I thought I’d fill you guys in on what’s been going on. Months back we decided to do a shoot a where we had an old victorian look. Complete with large windows and huge fireplaces. Sandy Bee was are make-up artist who was gracious enough to let us use her home. (Which, by the way was freakin amazing ). Thanks sandy pants. The place ended up being perfect for what we were looking for. Thanks to the models and everyone that was involved. GREAT JOB!!! Just to give you a little peak, here are some shots from the shoot!
Nattalie Marley

Alexandra Mathews

Tatyana Ayrapetova

Alexandra Mathews

Wardrobe: Keith Bryce
Photography: Keith Bryce